Saturday 28 August 2010

Like falling leaves

We made love like falling leaves
twisting and spiralling in the wind;
neither here nor there,
neither you nor me,
but who knows where -
not in time,
not in space,
transposed -
one in the other

Sunday 15 August 2010


Sometimes there is a space
where a person should be.
It waits quietly,
without protest,
without purpose,
asking nothing;
then it is filled.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Hidden by mists

Hidden by the mists of her day,
a veil impenetrable,
but still her heart beat is felt,
still her voice is longed for:
echoes of moments shared.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

But for the brush of my lips

But for the brush of my lips
how else is the divine to know you?
But for the brush of your lips
how else is the divine to know me?
But for the touch of my hand
how else is the divine to know you?
But for the touch of your hand
how else is the divine to know me?
But for the heat of my passion
how else is the divine to love you?
But for the heat of your passion
how else is the divine to love me?

By such immanence the creator knows the creation,
By such immanence the creator is the creation,
By such immanence the creation is the creator,
By such immanence the creation knows itself.

Know that you are loved,
and through loving know.