Saturday, 14 February 2015


What is it that turns my head
or makes me smile
deep into the core of my being,
but you?
And the days have become months
and the months have become years
and still my heart glows at our meeting,
and my head is full of things to say;
and I watch whilst you open and unfold
layers of yourself -
and yes,
sometimes standing naked
and unashamed and trusting
and knowing that my gaze is for more
than just your surface
but for your being
even to its very core.

Monday, 9 February 2015

I woke up and I was here

I woke up and I was here
the daylight touching my eyes
gravity pulling my limbs
the in-breath
the out-breath
and around me the stirrings of spring
and the knowing of a landscape
that is kind and healing.

You stirred and busied yourself in the kitchen
and I let words run through my heart
like a stream dancing on stones
and felt the stones melt
and the heart beat
and the eddy and swirl
of a life lived
embrace me.