Sunday, 30 March 2014

You spoke of The Beach

You spoke of The Beach
and how now
the young
could not find
that isolation.

Text-gen I thought;
No matter where -
twenty-four seven
woven in their matrix:
no hiding place for solitude,
no escape into a fantasy,
lived for a while -
until its walls fall down.

And of my end of the hippy-trail -
sweet essence of Nepal
that fogged my mind;
brought by friends
who had scaled heights
rope and piton in hand;
I rose a little,
then plummeted -
broken minded.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

You will have the sea

You will have the sea
in all her moods,
in morning weeds
and fiery sunset
and soft touching sand
or storm surf surge.
These are yours
to know
and to love.